Friday, December 7, 2012

Character: Jake the Dog

The other main character of Adventure Time is Jake. Jake is Finn's older adoptive brother. He is a magical dog, with a variety of special skills and powers. In magical dog years he's 28.

Jake is an funny character. While he can do things that are completely unlikable and seem unjustified, he does have good intentions most of the time.

While he tends to be a bit of a slacker and unmotivated by most things, he is deeply loyal to his bro. Despite this loyalty, there are times when he is extremely selfish or unfocused on what he's supposed to be doing, such as when he needs to rescue Finn from gnomes. 

Jake has an ability known as "Stretchy Powers" that allow him to transform into various objects. This isn't just limited to his full body, but it can also be specific parts of his body such as his arms, legs, or even head.

Jake acts as a "voice of reason" to Finn sometimes. I put that in quotes because there are sometimes where Jake's advice is truly terrible and unhelpful. Its often well meant and it does come from a place of caring, but due to his somewhat flawed morality it turns out to be bad.

I like the character of Jake acting as a foil to Finn's unquestioning heroics. Jake does do things that are highly questionable, such as grave robbing and bike theft, but he mostly has his heart in the right place of helping people. He's shown to be a good boyfriend to Lady and is loyal and supportive to his friends. He's likable  though seriously flawed morally. It works though, and that's another part that makes me enjoy this show.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Episode: Trouble in Lumpy Space

The frog and the mushroom are a portal. Don't ask questions.
The next episode up is "Trouble in Lumpy Space." This episode introduces Lumpy Space Princess, who is hands down one of my favorite characters in the series. From her obnoxious mannerisms to the valley girl speak, her character is absolute hilarious in all the right ways. Though not often seen, when she's in an episode its almost always hilarious how out of touch she is with the rest of Ooo.

The episode starts with Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, LSP, and Hot Dog Princess having a tea ceremony. During this LSP accidentally bites Jake, giving him the early stages of the lumps. The lumps are a disease that transform into a Lumpy Space person, both physically and mentally. If the antidote isn't used by sunset, he'll be lumpy forever.

They travel to Lumpy Space where its revealed that they only way to travel is by car due to the kingdom being on clouds. They meet LSP's parents, who are physically conjoined. They chide her for bring "smooth people" into their kingdom as well as her attitude. With that route closed off, they turn to LSP's friend Melisa. 

This doesn't really work, as LSP gets distracted by the "Promcoming" dance that night. Finn manages to wrestle the antidote away from some Lumpy Space teenagers wanting to be smooth and eventually cure himself and Jake of the lumps.

Score: 7/10

I like this episode, but LSP is the only thing it has going for it. Jake and Finn's transformation due to the lumps can be a bit grating sometimes, but overall pretty funny. I think its a good look into one of the places besides the Candy Kingdom, even if its not mentioned too many other times. Lumpy Space is beautifully designed, looking like what I imagine clouds would look like on a really good acid trip. Overall a few good laughs with beautiful background art. Also "lump" as a curse word. Brilliant.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Episode: Slumber Party Panic

Ah to the main reason I decided to do this blog: The episode reaction and thoughts. Now I'm going to start off with saying that some of what I write may differ than other interpretations of the episodes. This is just what I think and how I felt about the episodes.

The first episode in the official run of Adventure Time (I'll get around to the original short later) is Slumber Party Panic. I think it does a good job at introducing some of the most important and recurring character, such as Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, Lady Rainicorn, while also having a good plot to go with it.
The episode begins with PB and Finn in a graveyard, there for PB to test out a reanimation formula on dead citizens of the Candy Kingdom. The experiment fails, bring back the dead candy people as zombies intent on "sugar" (A substitute for brains) and reeking havoc. PB assembles all the citizens of  the kingdom in the castle for the most obvious of reasons: A slumber party!

Nah, its actually just an excuse to get all the candy people in one place for their own protection from the zombie outbreak. Bubblegum makes Finn promise not to tell anyone about the zombies, which he agrees to. The rest of the episode is just Finn trying to keep everyone from finding out about the zombies while also protecting them from the killer, undead candy people.

Score: 8.5/10

This plot is perfect for a first episode. It gives an excuse to name who some of the background characters are without it being presented in an info dump. It also shows off some of the highlighting traits of the characters, such as Finn's loyalty and Princess Bubblegum's intelligence. All in all, it makes for a good start to the show.

The reason I'm not giving it a higher score, in spite of how much I liked it, is that there are much better episodes.